2022 | Shortlisted: DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2024
Encouraging older adults to use Fred Olsen Cruise Line's online booking system by enhancing their digital estate and booking experience.
We began this by visualising the whole end-to-end customer journey in a blueprinting exercise, which revealed opportunities to introduce new mechanisms for engagement.
Based on this, we redesigned the experience — on desktop, tablets and on mobile — to reflect in digital Fred Olsen’s same attention to detail, to attract a wider audience, and to provide newcomers with better tools to choose their cruise.
Experience Blueprint for Fred Olsen's digital estate
This piece of work also involved the tactical redesign on their booking engine. I was in charge of conducting an in-depth analysis of their existing system and identified quick wins that we could employ to their existing and restrictive CMS to reduce friction points and make the booking experience easier to navigate.
By re-designing the site to increase attractiveness and engagement, reducing friction and drop off in the booking process, optimising the site for SEO, and leaning on more targeted digital advertising, we helped the business take giant leaps towards their customer acquisition targets.
Screenshots from the WIP for Fred Olsen's booking engine tactical redesign
Providing my own take on the experience blueprint through my method mapping the experiences of our identified personas throughout the end-to-end journey. While we usually measure how feelings vary from positive to negative at different stages, I enhanced the insights by also visualising the time spent at each stage and also mapping the desired behaviour change we should be designing for - whether that’s an increase or decrease in time spent at a particular phase or mapping the desired emotional shift. These are all annotated with practical methods to help support those behaviour changes in each of the persona types.